And we couldn’t finish without mentioning the Brexit outcome of the UK referendum. It remains headline news, every day,...
Archive for category: News
ESSE has joined forces with another exciting EU project to create synergy and help with testing and disseminating each...
ESSE in ‘s-Hertogenbosch
ESSE Webmaster, , Headline, News, 's-Hertogenbosch, Best Practice case studies, management meeting, Netherlands, project meeting, Social Label, Starters4Communities, Train the Trainer, 0The third ESSE Europe management meeting was held in ‘s-Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands in May 2016. Much of our time was...
Training trainers to build social enterprise ideas & capacity
ESSE Webmaster, , Headline, News, Train the Trainer, workshop, 0Our newly developed Social Enterprise workshop is being delivered in the Netherlands this summer. This thought-provoking Train the Trainer...
ESSE learning session in Berlin – five days on the traces of social enterprise in Berlin How to explain...
.. the transnational development of an innovative Training Course in Social Enterprise. We prepare to deliver a 3 day...
Social entrepreneurship is the attempt to draw upon business techniques to find solutions to social problems.This concept may be applied to a...
A programme of transnational meetings is designed to facilitate and support the effective delivery & dissemination of the project;...