ESSE learning session in Berlin

ESSE learning session in Berlin – five days on the traces of social enterprise in Berlin

How to explain the Berlin situation of social enterprise to people coming from four different European countries. How to best show the daily social enterprise live in my city when I myself sometime get lost in the interpretation of the term an it’s meaning.

There are several different approaches in e.g. the setup of an enterprise and the legal framework. Additionally different traditions about what is social have to be added.

And if you have understood how this will work for a social enterprise in Germany let’s say in the south, this does not mean you have understood this for a city like Berlin.

You see even if I start to tell you some social enterprise story you may need additional information to understand the context. And To learn from all the information you are offered or that you ‘hunt’ on your own you must be able to ask questions.

The idea of the learners meeting in Berlin was therefore designed as an input plus see and smell and listen to the stories if the social entrepreneurs themselves – the social entrepreneurs of the city.

How do they feel? do they think of themselves as social entrepreneurs? Is there a different way social enterprise is developing or has developed over the last decades?

You can to talk to the institutions responsible for the framework in let’s say in the districts.

You can to find out what is the difference between an enterprise and a social enterprise.

You find on our facebook site the links to interesting projects and or social enterprises we have visited. To understand the legal framework you need hard facts. Some studies we pasted on our facebook site too. These studies give you an idea about Germanys gGmbH, KG, AG, GmbH, e.V. They may help you to understand the tax and economic setup of company’s, enterprise.

We will describe some good practice approaches form Berlin and will put it in a download section of the projects outcomes. These may help you to understand and even may inspire your work.

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